Custom Fields
Product Management & Product Design at Overgrad
Our core customers are high performing charter districts that are very advanced with data and track district specific fields that are not universal and do not make sense to add as fields in Overgrad. Our platform didn’t allow our customers to track all the fields they needed to, which meant most data tracking was done outside of Overgrad in massive spreadsheets that are difficult to manage, easy to make errors on and was another URL - we want to be the all-in-one solution for college counselors, which meant we had to make our data fields flexible.
Through conversations with our dev team, we decided to built custom fields at the district level and scoped the project to single select custom fields that can be attached to students.
Outcome and Post-MVP feature updates
Customers loved the new feature and it allowed our growth team to say ‘yes’ to any question about data tracking.
Since launching we have make custom fields available in our API, added additional custom field types: multi-select dropdown, number, date, and text fields and allow custom fields on applications as well.